With Love




In friendship and family
we share pieces of our hearts
trusting them to honor, to love…
friends, family,
offer us pieces of their hearts
to hold space for them
in their joys, struggles, sorrows,
we hold shared pieces of their hearts
offering unconditional love
in a most precious connection…
deep within these seeds of love



L and Muse


I Dare You





Stand before that which scares you
allow yourself to tremble
yes, allow all of the feelings
to bubble up, to rip through you, to tremble within…
the hurts, the betrayals, the fears, the sadness, the loss…
I am sorry that you hurt
but face the feelings
no more running, no more hiding, no more pretending,
reach out and embrace all of the feelings 
thank each one for its gift…
then allow each to float into the Universe 
as if balloons filled with helium released to the wind
let them go…
There is space now
feel the space within your heart…
this space is sacred
each moment you choose how to fill it 
select fear, imprisonment
select love, nourishment and freedom…
External events will occur
you will choose fear or love
like a pebble breaking the surface of the water
the ripples of your choice
will fill the space in your heart…
I dare you to stand face-to-face with fear
and I dare you to choose love
in your thoughts, in your words, in your actions,
not because someone else deserves it,
but because you deserve it.




L and Muse

Spring Blossoming




As winter snows thaw
the sun warms the barren earth
revealing tiny buds
just waiting to blossom
encased tightly
protected from the frigid temperatures.
The gentle spring breeze
warmed by the hot sun
nudges the outer layers…
unable to be contained, 
the petals burst through the thin walls
brilliant colors flourish
under Sun’s loving care. 
L and Muse

Daring Step Forward


Journeys begin with
one courageous step forward
trusting heart to lead,
sneakers to follow
upon the path
sometimes steep,
other times treacherous
at times in a gentle meadow
with the sun playing peek-a-boo
with the clouds
the scent of roses wafting
the burbling creek meandering…
all because I dared
to allow my heart to lead.

L and Muse

Soul Mates



Inner flames ignited
beacons to guide,
illuminating vitality
our center, our essence
by the physical body
others see…
Then a kindred spirit
beholds our innermost self
peeks beyond
the physical to witness
our heart, our essence, ourselves exposed.
The flames bridge the gap,
their joining brighter,
reflecting deeper connection
between soul mates.
L and Muse