Moon’s Romance




Moon reflected
rays of sun through darkness
a wide spotlight
illuminating the stage
revealing a solitary figure
hidden in shadows
nearly invisible.
Moon asked the great star
for a bit more light
to reach through darkness
to touch the human heart.
Sun obliged.
The human below
felt the brush of liquid love
but huddled in the deeper shadows.
Moon called upon Owl
who sang his night song
of magical dreams…
The melodic hooooo–hoooo–hooooing
coaxed the heart’s gatekeeper
to relinquish fear, to open to love…
the heart surrendered
hurts slipped away
as if a veil were removed
eyes blinked at the brilliance
of seeing for the first time
and she lifted her face;
searching for the Source
of her awakening,
she sauntered out of the shadows
accepting Moon’s invitation
of unconditional love from a being of the light.
Moon’s liquid love
embraced the pieces of her heart
weaving healing threads
reconnecting the pieces
then poured pure love, joy
into the sacred vessel.
L and Muse

Imaginary Roads



Darkness surrounds me
creating barricades
nothing can I see
nothing can I touch
I stand in silence
a light will shine
a hand will reach out
a voice will guide me…
I close my eyes
opening up
to that which is within
a tender glow
luminous in the dark;
my eyes pop open
I remain in darkness
I close my eyes
the tiny glow, now brighter… 
imaginary roads appear
my heart flutters
amidst the possibilities.
My heart travels
the thin threads
each leading to other hearts…
some threads have frayed
others have thickened
some roads short
others longer
some support me
others tug at me.
My heart plays at the edge
of one thread that is now 
a cord of imaginary roads,
pure electricity surges
illuminating this path
I full-heartedly travel
this cord
with its twists and turns
until I stand before an open heart
it radiates such love…
I open my eyes
to the dawning of a new day.
L and Muse



Moments in the Sunset



Sun approached the horizon
summoning another
slowly slipping
into the sky dome
a sacred intermingling
touching hearts
healing touch
the artist’s brush
strokes them
sculpting them 
into a living masterpiece
where magic
the sacred joining
of day with night.
L and Muse






A quiet beauty rests before me, 
inviting me into her sacred space. 
I pause in awe 
of such beauty before me. 
I step forth, 
accepting the invitation 
my soul sings, “This is where I belong.”
The reply, “Welcome home.”
Tears fall 
melting the walls
my heart flourishes
love flows
showering others 
with love.
L and Muse

Asked For a Sign



She stood at an intersection
wondering which way to go
each path a possibility.
Suddenly a sign appeared
as if the angels were singing
a miraculous moment
where arrows pointed
success, failure…
she looked around incredulous
as if she might be dreaming
then wondered if it was a joke;
suspiciously she touched the sign
it was indeed real
again she looked for pranksters
none in sight.
Paralyzed by disbelief
she stood at that intersection.
Finally she did hear her guardian angel,
“You asked for a sign to be clear.
We made it appear.
You stand doubting
the sign might be real.
What do you want from us?”

L and Muse





Blossoming Heart



The sun shone
upon her heart
tightly closed
like a spring bud.
Love radiated
warming her soul
slowly she opened herself,
petal by petal
glowing, confidence growing
revealing her inner beauty.
She was to be a flower,
not a bud
she spread her petals wide
basking in the warm glow.


L and Muse



Inner Peace


Silence within?
Questions swirl…
Silence? Where?
Silence? How?
Silence? When?
Peek within my mind…
should’s haunt me
maybe’s entice me
have to’s overwhelm me
what if’s chatter endlessly
self-doubt creeps around
frequenting the recesses of my mind
reeking havoc 
like a tsunami 
ravaging coastal villages
leaving the villagers
disoriented, homeless…
Home, to be at home
within myself

loved, cherished, safe
tide shifts
gentle waves brush
rhythmic ebbing and flowing
drown out any distractions
my heart beating with sea’s drum
synchronicity, harmony
inner silence.
L and Muse

Author of My Own Life



To create
imaginary worlds
where rules are clear
where consequences are swift
where impossible becomes attainable
where growth never stops
where quests appear
new levels gained
a creator.


L and Muse


Fireside Dreams



In the depths of darkness
snow blankets the limbs,
softening sharp needles
glowing under warm moonlight…
she observes
through the window
separating icy from toasty
her toes by blazing fire
her body melting
into leather chair’s embrace
her eyes softening
as they flicker in the lodge
her eyelids flutter
between states of consciousness
where daydreams spin
dream catchers unravel
new dreams woven…


L and Muse