Christmas Card

Winter’s first snowfall

Building a snowman is play,

Reminder to play.
Kitty walks between 

Horses, balanced on a fence

Reminder: balance.
Peace repeated on 

the cards this year, many fonts

Reminder: breathe peace

In and out and in….


L & Muse


She struggled, 

desperate for control, 

the power to stop time,

clinging to a moment, 

fearful of the unknown.

Spirit smiled

sending spirals of change,

on soft ripples journeying 

to her creative core.

She clenched,

but the Universe persisted,

whispering the invitation,

“Trust. Believe. Surrender.”

Tired of the fight, 

she lifted her arms

revealing her vulnerability 

and simply surrendered..

her passion released.

L & Muse

A Sign?


She stopped at a crossroads
wondering which path to follow
her heart fluttered
the Winds whispered
her mind paralyzed
by the pros and cons
of each path before her…
pleading for a message,
she returned to her safe haven
to find her answer
written in stone
and wondered,
“How do I know if this is THE SIGN?”

L and Muse