I am a River

I am a river
emotions flowing
cradled by the banks
embracing me
supporting me
inviting me to simply let go
my heart opens even wider…

My waters teeming with life
fish swimming in my life-force current…
tadpoles darting in my peaceful pool
flirting with the edges of my current
stretching with growing pains
as they transform into their mature frogselves…
green leaf-pads support lilies
opening to the dancing sun rays from above…
water snakes slithering out from my placid pool
slinking into my fast-flowing currents
relaxing into my stream of consciousness…

 My banks beckon visitors,
“Come play along my edges; I will frolic with you.
Come wash in my waters; I will cleanse you.
Come drink my liquids; I will replenish you.
Come join me; I will support you.
Come, my friends.
I have abundance to share with you.
Come, my friends.
I await you.
Come, my friends.” 

The blue heron who has quenched his thirst
with my waters for many seasons
stand one last time on my rockbed
aware of the time– for moving on
his wings flap, flap, flap,
he takes flight soaring higher and higher
circling overhead for only a moment…
he must answer the call
to follow his instincts to another river
another space
another life…


I offer peace in the midst of storms
I whisper in the darkness
I sparkle in the brilliant sun rays
I am a river.


L and Muse


Climb a Mountain

A slab forms the foundation
of this stone wall
pieced together like lego
which stands in a river
fed by a series of waterfalls.

Upon a strong foundation
a structure stands confidently
unshaken in its self-knowing
regardless of river’s current,
which might try to sway
if given a chance
but within firm boundaries
the sculpture is firmly planted
beckoning passing adventurers
to climb and sit upon the peak
where the view is spectacular–
well worth the climb.

What adventures await us?
If only we have the courage
to embark upon the the climb,
which comes with challenges
and joyous triumphs…


L and Muse

The Path

I was walking on the trail
into the depths of the woods
as birds chattered and sang.
I left the world behind
including my cell phone
all connections to reality
left in my jeep miles back.

The river running just off
the blazed trail
gushed and babbled
calling to me
pleading for me to join it
despite the warning signs
to stay on the trail
for my own safety.

I stood torn for a moment
noticing the strength of the current
appreciating the flat path before me
with a choice
to walk in confidence
or to wade against the currents…

I looked up river to see the path
that might be before me
but the heavy fog
blocked my view

I looked up the trail to see the path
that might be before me
and I could see the gentle slope
with a clear path ahead

The river was a chance
but the water called me
like sirens calling sailors
on the high seas
and I felt the pull

The trail was easier
the path already blazed
I could move forward
almost effortlessly

There I stood on the edge
drawn toward adventure
leaning toward comfort
until a choice was no longer an option

And so I…


L and Muse

The Path, a River


The path lies before us
with many trees and brush
to push aside
before we are able
to slip into the current of the water
allowing it to carry us,
if we’ll simply accept
the gift
of letting go
of the obstacles we see in our way
to receive the gift
of trusting
we’re on the right path
at the right time
moving in the direction
which is in our highest good.


L and Muse



Simply Is

Water flows with the current
even when the surface appears to be calm
a current runs deep
cleansing, nurturing, supporting.
A pebble or rock thrown into the water
creates circular ripples
for the moment,
but in moments the water returns
to the gentle calm.
Beauty emerges
from such simplicity.
The water simply is.
The current simply is.
The moment simply is.

L and Muse