The Path


I walked the path
before me.
One footprint at a time,
at times slipping on the icy path
other times falling most ungracefully
deciding whether to try again
I rested there
breathing in and out
I pushed myself to my feet yet again
The path awaited me
Fingers slipped
into my hand
my heart opened my eyes
the path before me transformed
Together we journeyed
sledding, cartwheeling, dancing
Our hearts smiling
I walked the path with love
hand in hand.

L and Muse

She Takes Center Ice


Her journey begins
yet surrounded
by supporters,
some family,
some friends,
some strangers…
They’re hoping
she succeeds,
but at times
she’s not even sure
they’re watching;
their hearts and lives
are touched
by her grace and poise,
but she wonders
if she’s all alone.
Her journey
will end some day;
will she know
her path touched others?
Did they applaud her?
Did they encourage her?

L and Muse